
Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Audition Process :D

Audition  Process  
Hi guys today im going to show you what my Audition
this is my Monologue

Where’s My Happily Ever After?: You’re right, you’re absolutely right. I don’t belong here. But do any of us? Wait, wait, wait! We are more alike than you think! Queen Narcissa- the seven dwarfs saved Snow White and then what happened? It left you the Unfairest of them all! Now you’re hustling pool to get your next meal. How does that feel? You, frumpy pigskin, right Rumpelstiltskin…my bad.

Where’s that first born you were promised, eh?  Hook! Need I say more? Anastasia, remember when you couldn’t get your fat foot in that glass slipper? Cinderella is out there right now, eating bon bons and schmoozing with every last fairy tale creature that has ever done you wrong! There are two sides to every story. And our side has not been told. So, who wants to come out on top for once? Who wants their happily ever after?

Thursday, July 23, 2020

My Strength!

so Im going to tell you about meh Strength.
But first we had to do a test to see what are Strength are.
My first strength is 


Bravery is: you do things even if they scare you and aren't afraid to stand up for what's right. You'll be lucky because you're not afraid to take risks and challenge yourself.


Appreciation is: You're good at finding beauty in the world  and people around you. If something's not beautiful,you appreciate other qualities and see beauty anyway.


Prudence is: You're careful but in a good way!  You don't say or do things you might later regret,and this helps you to hang onto your friend's and stay out of trouble.


Kindness is: You're caring and generous,and you go through life thinking about others and look out for them, not thinking about yourself.


You listen,show you care and make people feel important,so you are really good at building a strong relationship.

thank you for your time.