
Thursday, September 30, 2021

DLO: Eels around the world & New Zealand

 Hello everyone!

In my class we made a DLO about something in a book, there was a lot of different things to look into but I had picked eels. 

Here is my DLO about eels: 

Link to my DLO

It was a lot of fun looking into different eels and where they came from. I had fun learning about eels and hope you did to. 

Have a great day and thank you for reading my blog. :)

Thursday, September 23, 2021

DLO about sand dunes

 Hello and today my class we had to do research about a something from a book, I picked sand dunes and made a DLO on Sand dunes. 

My DLO is about a sand dunes but mostly how they are made.

Here is my DLO. 

DLO about sand dune

My blog isn't long but I hope you have enjoyed reading about sand dunes. Have a great day.

bye bye:)