Hello! Today im going to talk to you about what we have been doing in Science. We're learning about how to make ginger beer, when we make ginger beer we need to leave it for 1 week then try it.
- Plastic cup
- Marker
- Powdered ginger
- Water
- Sugar
- Spoon
- Lemon juice
- Yeast
- Get your equipment.
- Write your name with a marker on the plastic cup.
- Put half a teaspoon of powdered ginger in the cup.
- Pour half a cup of water inside the cup.
- Add one tablespoon of sugar into the cup.
- if all of the sugar is at the bottom of your cup, start mixing your mixture with a spoon.
- Add 5 drops of lemon juice into the cup.
- Taste your mixture. If it tastes a bit weird adjust the flavour by adding other ingredients.
- add one quarter of a teaspoon of yeast.
- let it brew for 1 week.